Want to Learn the Ethics Rules for Online Searches?

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In my Social Media Investigations Guide, you’ll learn:

  • The Rules: the legal ethics rules that apply to social media searches
  • The Law: social media ethics opinions from across the country
  • Do’s and Don’ts: practical advice for conducting ethics investigations

Social Media Investigations Guide



Ethan Wallsocial media lawyer, professor, and legal marketing consultant

In this guide, you’ll learn straight forward answers to complex questions such as:

  • Whether you can gain access to a represented party’s private social media account by sending a friend request?
  • Whether you can create a fake profile to send a friend request to a represented or unrepresented third party?
  • Whether you can review someone’s private social media account if there is a pre-existing friendship?

Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of lawyers, paralegals, and investigations how to collect social media evidence. I wrote this guide to give you the advice you need to improve your online searches today.

Get the Guide Today

Social Media Investigations Guide

